Learning Targets

Here is a list of our LEARNING TARGETS written in student-friendly I CAN statements:



Unit 1-

  • I can use place value to write numbers in standard, expanded, and short-word form.
  • I can use place value to determine the value of a digit within numbers up to the billions.
  • I can add and subtract larger numbers regrouping when needed.
  • I can use problem solving strategies involving addition and subtraction to solve word problems.
  • I can master 36 times facts by consistently scoring 90% or better on a 2 minute facts quiz.

Language Arts:

  • I can make predictions based on what I already know and what the text tells me.
  • I can adjust and revise predictions as needed.
  • I can clarify or determine the meaning of an unknown word by:
    • (context) reading around the word or reading on to find clues
    • (word structure) prefixes, suffixes, root word
    • substituting another word
    • looking the word up in a dictionary
  • I can clarify or determine the meaning of a passage or idea by:
    • rereading and/ or adjusting my reading rate
    • reading on to find clues
  • I can form questions that help me make sure I have understood what I have read. (Who? What? Why? When? Where? Which? How?
  • I can summarize a fiction story by:
    • retelling in my own words (main characters, setting, story problem, key events, resolution)
    • using logical order: First, Then, Next, Finally
    • use Somebody...Wanted...But...So...
  • I can summarize a non-fiction passage by:
    • referring to headings, illustrations, and other text features
    • leaving out unnecessary details
  • I can write a written response that is supported by at least 2 text supports. The author states... In the text it says...
  • I can use what I already know + text support to draw conclusions. This shows that.... This is significant because...
  • I can write a paragraph that has a topic sentence, is supported by at least 3 detail sentences, uses transition words and phrases to make my writing flow, and ends with a conclusion statement that pulls the idea all together.
  • I can write a "show-don't-tell" series of sentences that uses the senses to make my writing vivid. My stomach turned to stone and my eyes became dark empty canyons.


  • I can identify the parts of a plant.
  • I can explain the function of each plant part.
  • I can draw a model of a plant and label all of the parts.
  • I can determine what a seed needs in order to germinate.
  • I can relate the process of photosynthesis.
  • I can collect and organize data in relation to plant growth.
  • I can use centimeters to measure plant growth.

Social Studies:

  • I can explain the land-bridge theory.
  • I can explain how geography influenced Native American way of life in North America.
  • I can compare and contrast Native American groups across regions.
  • I can match vocabulary with its related definition.
  • I can relate unique characteristic of different Native American groups according to the region in which they lived.
  • I can use map skills to locate and label Native American locations according to their region.
  • I can determine cause-effect relationships involving historical events.